The Church Slava celebration on Sunday July 22 was a great success with approximately 200 people in attendance. The weather was not so good and it started to rain very hard just about the time Church services were over so we were very crowded inside of the Church, but it helped to inspire everyone to discuss the need for a larger Church facility. The weather turned better in the afternoon and the Sun came out and it seemed from all the good comments that everyone had a good time. I want to thank everyone that helped to make our Church Slava program a success, and we had many volunteers on Saturday to help clean up around the Church to get ready for the Sunday services. We have a great group of people that volunteer on a regular basis whenever we need help and on behalf of the Church Board we want to thank all of you.
BIG THANK YOU TO:All volontiers that helped organization of Slava Celebration on Saturday before Slava and on Sunday at Slava.
Sponsoring food and drinks at our celebrations helps our budget a lot so special thanks to Mihajlo Bilakovic for baked lamb, Nenad Gambiroza for baked lamb, Dragoslav Popovic for baked pig and Mirko Bulovic for baked pig. Mladen Mitrovic donated all drinks for Slava. Big Thank you to our Kolo Sisters who, as always, did a Great job.Big Thank you to Ray and Carol Chatham for being the Kumovi for the Church Slava.
Kumovi for Church Slava next year will be Slobodan Mitrovic and his family.Simo Tesla for music entertainment at Slava Celebration.
Special thank you to all our Sunday School kids and teacher Manuela Opacic for great and interesting Slava Celebration program.
Kids participated in the program were: Maja Culum, Dejan Tojcic, Aleksandar i Tamara Kapetanovic, Tomislav Surla, Christina Saulnier, Viktorija Bezbradica, Dajana Bozanovic, Tijana Radjenovic, Dalibor i Valentina Radovanovic.
Mitch Milovich
Church Board President
Proslava nase Crkvene Slave je bila veoma uspjesna. Okupilo se oko 200 nasih parohijana. Vrijeme nam nije bas islo na ruku jer je bas kad smo zavrsili sa sluzbom i bili spremni da izadjemo vani poceo veliki pljusak, tako da smo ostali unutra sto je dalo priliku da komentarisemo potrebu za vecom Crkvenom zgradom. Kako je vrijeme odmicalo kisa je jenjavala i sa prvim zracima sunca raspolozenje je naglo poraslo, tako da se nakon rucka odigralo i tradicionalno kolo i vecina ljudi je otisla zadovoljna organizacijom i provodom. Zelim da se zahvalim svima koji su doprinjeli da organizacija proslave bude sto laksa i na sto vecem nivou. Zadovoljan sam odzivom volontera koji su nam pomogli u subotu da ocistimo i pripremimo nas posjed. Cinjenica je da se formirala jedna grupa volontera koja nam pomaze svaki put kad nesto treba, te u ime Crkvenog Odbora im se veoma zahvaljujem.
Mitch Milovich
Predjsjednik Crkvenog Odbora