2009 ST.
St. Sava Children's Program a great success!
U nasoj crkvi 25. januara smo proslavili Svetog Savu. Cestitamo kumovima ovogodisnje Slave Danijeli i Milenku Culumu i njihovoj deci Maji i Stefanu. Gospodja Jovanka Loncaric je uz pomoc uciteljica Nedeljne skole pripremila prigodan program u kome su ucestvovali ucenici nase Nedeljne skole. Zahvaljujemo se gospodji Jovanki i uciteljicama Manueli i Marti na ulozenom trudu i naravno deci koja koja su predivno izvela program u cast Svetog Save. Djeca izvodjaci priredbe su odlicno odradila svoj posao i trebamo biti veoma ponosni na njih. Svi u crkvi su zajedno sa djecom pjevali “Uskliknimo S Ljubavlju”
Zahvaljujemo se takodje i Kolu Srpskih Sestara na kao i uvek predivno pripremljenom rucku i na poklonima koje su uz pomoc Vesne Gambiroze pripremile za svu prisutnu decu.Saint Sava celebration was organized in our church on the 25th of January 2009. Congratulation to St. Sava Slava kumovi for this year: Danijela and Milenko Culum and their kids Maja and Stefan. Ms. Jovanka Loncaric with the help of the teachers from Sunday school has prepared the program with the Sunday school students. Big thank you to Ms. Jovanka, Ms. Manuela and Ms. Martha for the great work with our children, and of course thank you to our children who has participated. The children did a wonderful job and we should all be very proud of them. Everyone in church joined in to sing “Uskliknimo S Ljubavlju” with the children.
Big thank you to Kolo Sestara who has prepared the delicious lunch and for the presents they prepared with the help of Vesna Gambiroza for all the children who came to the celebration.