7. новембар 2014. г.
Умјетнички центар “Талија” основан је 1998. г. у Београду. Изузетно добри играчи, прекаљени по многобројним свјетским сце- нама, покренули су нови омладински, а одмах затим заживио је и дјечији ансамбл народних игара и народни оркестар. Ви- соки извођачки квалитет и одличан избор програма убрзо су покренули лавину тур- неја и концерата. Српски опанци њиховог ансамбла изазвали су не дуго затим див- љење и овације на 5 континената, на 85 тур- неја за 15 година. Данас умјетнички центар Талија има око 300 чланова.
Talija" Art Company has been established in 1998 in Belgrade. First members were ex- ceptionally good dancers who had a great ex- perience in performance all over the world. Soon, the ensemble pulled toward a lot of youngsters and the children ensemble was also found, as well as musical orchestra. The ex- cellent selection of program and great quality of performance opened the door of the world’s stages for this ensemble, and a lot of tours and concerts on five continents followed. The au- thentic costumes, which this ensemble owns, was partly acquired from the people from dif- ferent parts of the world and partly made by the originals. In the 2012, group finalized one of the biggest projects in its history: Closing ceremony of the 2012 EHF European Men's Handball Championship that was tele- vised in more than 60 countries all over the globe, with great reviews from both domestic and international media! "Talija" Art Company has about three hundred members.