Tybee Island 2008
Nedeljna Skola je u saradnji sa Carol Chatham organizovala grupni odlazak na more - Tybee Island, za decu koja su redovno pohadjala casove tokom protekle godine. Otisli su 13. juna a vratili se 15.juna. Vodja puta su bili direktor Nedeljne skole Manuela Opacic i uciteljica Nedeljne skole Martha McJilton i clanovi crkvenog odbora Carol Chatham i Dragan Opacic. Deca su posetila akvarijum, isli su na izlet brodom pri cemu uzivala da vide delfine, isla su u grcku crkvu u Savani… i mnogo toga jos. Deca su provela neaboravne trenutke na moru, zblizila se i ucvrstila svoja prijateljstva. Veliko hvala uciteljicama Manuel ii Marti za svu brigu i sav angazman oko dece i veliko hvala Carol i Draganu za sav trud i pomoc oko puta.
Sunday School with the help of Carol Chatham has organized chartered trip to the Tybee Island, for the students participating in the Sunday School Program for the last year. Serbian Sunday School Director, Manuela Mileta Opacic, the Sunday School teacher Martha McJilton, and board members Carol Chatham and Dragan Opacic were the leaders of the trip. Group left on June 13th and was back on June the 15th. Students have had many field trips during the trip. They visited aquarium, went on the cruise on the boat watching dolphins, visited the Greek Orthodox Church in Savanna… and many more. Children spent unforgettable moments at the beach, strengthening friendships and enjoying the time with each other. Big Thank you to the teachers Manuela and Martha, and Carol and Dragan for all care, and efforts with the children and the help with the trip.