Меморијални ручак | Memorial Lunch - February 27, 2022
Ручак поводом Задушница v 26. фебруар
Неколико година за редом о првим Задушницама које обично
падају у фебруару, после задушне св. Литургије и парастоса
свако од присутних донесе нешто од јела које међусобно
делимо и кроз приче евоцирамо усмомене на наше најмилије.
Lunch on Memorial Day, February 26
For the past several years, we have been observing the
traditional Saturday Memorial service for the departed
(Panakhida), which usually falls in the month of February
(according to our church calendar). The Memorial service is
held after the morning Liturgy, when the names of departed
parishioners and their families are read. Participants
bring wheat and food that is shared after the service, and
through fellowship we evoke memories of our loved ones.