Saints Peter and Paul Serbian Orthodox Church

Schedule of Service - Распоред Богослужења

Divine Liturgies on Sundays and Feastdays at 10am.

Svete liturgije pocinju svake nedelje i praznikom u 10am.

Vespers Services on Saturdays at 6pm - Vecernje Molitve svake Subote pocinju u 6 PM

There might be slight changes in the calendar. Please, call Father Miladin to verify the schedule.

Schedule of services for February 2025
Serbian Orthodox Church
Sts. Peter and Paul, Apostles - Atlanta
Rev. Miladin Blagojevic

Распоред Богослужења фебруар 2025.
Српска Православна Црква
Светих апостола Петра и Павла
Јереј Миладин Благојевић
Тел: 770-696-4921


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